Enjoy saving money? Want top dollar in the sale of your home? If you are wondering what to do to get your home show-ready for the big sale, these tips are for you. The best part about them is that they won’t break the bank (some are even FREE) and make a big impact on how marketable your home will be.
Time For A Deep Clean
This task is number one for a reason. When you walk into a dirty or smelly space, it’s likely the first thing you notice, and obviously not a place you want to spend time in let alone purchase. Trust me when I say that buyers have no problem saying they aren’t interested in a home because it smells like a litter box. Yikes! I know you don’t want to hear that your home smells like poo, so before you are ready to list your home, spring clean like never before. Aside from obvious places like the garbage can or litter box, pay attention to the details. Windowsills, baseboards, under the stairs, behind appliances, you get the idea. Try getting a new vantage point for spotting dirt by sitting on the floor. You might be surprised by what got overlooked! Here are some home cleaning hacks to help.
Now that your home is sparkling, its time to declutter by removing anything that doesn’t need to be there. Pack up that doll collection, store away the knick-knacks, and leave minimal decor on the walls. Since you’ll be vacating the property soon, if you haven’t already, you’ll get a jump-start on packing. If you have an off-site location to store things, this would be ideal. If not, simply box everything up and store it neatly in the basement or a spare room. Buyers would rather see neat, organized boxes somewhere than clutter that might give them a bad vibe. I once had a buyer that declined a property because there was a creepy fake skull in the fruit cellar. I wish I could say I was making this up!
A fresh coat of paint throughout the home makes a world of difference to prospective buyers. Your best bet is to go with a light, neutral tone like grey, or beige, or taupe that will compliment any decor. Doing this will provide buyers the opportunity to see the home as a blank canvas. Being able to visualize themselves in their new home is what makes the difference between a prospective buyer and a written offer. Plus, it makes less work for when they move in, which could give you an advantage over other properties.
Luckily, in the Valley, we have wonderful resources for inexpensive, quality paint. The Habitat For Humanity ReStore of the Mahoning Valley sells paint in a variety of neutral colors for a bargain price of $13.50 per gallon. Talk about return on investment!
Hardwood Floors Underneath Old Carpet? Grab A Box Cutter
If your home has hardwood floors underneath old carpeting, I am begging you, remove it! This DIY is FREE! Just a little elbow grease and some tools you probably have lying around your garage will totally transform your space. Hardwood floors literally shine in photos that will be posted with your listing, you want to grab that buyer’s attention while they peruse the internet for their next abode. Not to mention its easier to keep clean, and this will also be less work for prospective buyers to do once they move in. I can tell you from experience how important this is-we moved 3 times in 6 years and ripped up the old carpet in every. single. move. I would have gladly paid a little more for the seller to do it for me! Learn how to cross this DIY off your list.
A Little Landscaping Goes A Long Way
The landscaping in your yard is one of the first things a buyer will notice when they pull into the driveway…or decide not to pull into the driveway because they can’t see the house behind all of those overgrown bushes! Neatness is what we are going for here. Pull weeds, trim the hedges, make sure the edges on the flower beds are defined. Plant a few perennials if you feel it adds curb appeal. Better yet, pay the kid down the street a few bucks to do it for you. The goal is to make your landscaping look well kept and low maintenance, so a new buyer doesn’t add another task to their to-do list before moving in.
Rejuvenate Your Baseboards
This tip is especially useful for those selling a vacant home. Think about it…when there is no furniture in a home what do you see? The walls, which you already painted. The floor, which is now freshly polished hardwood thanks to your hard work. That just leaves the baseboards. Minimal cost and a little time are all it takes to button everything up. Here’s how you can do it yourself.
Show Your Kitchen Cabinets Some Love
You can update the look of your kitchen simply by changing out the hardware on your cabinets. Choose a sleek, timeless style that doesn’t draw attention for the wrong reason. Or you could step up your cabinet game by painting them first. I did this in my own kitchen for under $150 and it TOTALLY transformed the space. I highly recommend doing this. All you need is quality paint, accessories, and time. If you really want to be fancy you can rent a paint sprayer and spray those babies! Easy peasy. Just make sure you tape everything off before doing so. Here’s a tutorial on how to do it step by step.
With a little work and minimal cash, your home will be prepared to stand out among the rest on the market. Hopefully, these tips helped you achieve your goal of selling your home! As always, if I can help you in any way in the buying or selling of your home, please reach out to me so we can be better together!
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